What’s Happening

Sunday AM Sermons

We are excited to be back together in the church building!

If you prefer you can still enjoy St. Mark’s Sunday morning sermons live on FaceBook.

You can also view past sermons in the Media tab.

Monthly Newsletter

We put out a monthly newsletter at the end of the month. It contains an a segment from Rev. Sarah, segment about our youth group “Impact”, meeting updates, birthdays, biblical information you can do studies from, and much more. Anyone that would like the Newsletter can contact the office to give your email or home address & we’ll make sure you get one!

How To Connect

There are lots of ministries and groups you can get involved in. Get plugged in, meet new people and serve God!

Building Use Rental and Community Garden

The community can rent the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, Outside Pavilion and Baseball Diamond. We also have a Community Garden that is free for the community to use. Call the office for space rental information or to obtain a free plot in the garden.