About Us
Welcome to St. Mark’s UMC!
At St. Mark’s UMC we celebrate a congregation diverse in age, race, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Wherever you may be in your faith journey, including nowhere at all, there is a place here for you. We look forward to you joining us!
What type of church is St. Mark’s UMC?
We are United Methodists, the second largest Protestant denomination in America. We affirm the beliefs common to all Christian denominations, such as a belief in one God who manifests in three persons – commonly referred to as God the Father, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We have a particular emphasis on the grace of God which permeates our lives, even when we aren’t aware of it, and draws us into relationship with God. United Methodists believe our faith must be demonstrated by how we live our lives. Our goal is to love God with all we are and love others.
When are your worship services?
Our blended (traditional and contemporary music) service begins at 10:30am on Sundays and lasts about an hour. Adult Sunday School is at 9:30am. We serve communion on the first Sunday of each month during the service.
What should I wear?
Whatever is comfortable! We welcome jeans, ties, shorts, dresses, t-shirts, tuxedos…you get the idea! When the Chiefs or Royals are playing, you’ll probably see a lot of team shirts! Come as you are!
What are worship services like?
Our style is relaxed and comfortable. We won’t single you out or make you feel uncomfortable. We’ll sing some songs, we’ll pray, we’ll hear a reading from the Bible and the pastor’s teaching on that reading. We’ll take an offering, and we’ll celebrate what’s going on in our community. When you enter the worship space, you’ll receive a handout that tells the order things will be done during worship, including which songs we’ll sing and where you’ll find the song in the hymnals. All lyrics to the songs will be shown on the screen during the songs, as well as all spoken responses the congregation will make. You will be invited to stand as you are willing and able at various points in the service, but most of the time the congregation is seated. The offering time is an opportunity for our members and regular attenders to respond to God’s generosity in our lives. As our guest, you are not expected to contribute during this time.
What about my kids?
Children are always welcome in our worship services. There are busy bags available with crayons, coloring sheets, and worksheets. We also have a Children’s Church that meets in the fellowship hall during the service. The nursery is available by request.
If you’d like to arrange for a visit during the week, please call the office (816)252-1812 to set up an appointment to meet the pastor and walk through the building.